The problem with circuit design is to make MOS transistors operate in a linear state rather than in a switching state. This is also one of the reasons for the heating of MOS transistors.
When VGS>VTH, MOSFET behaves as a voltage controlled resistor; However, making MOSFETs the leader in integrated circuits today is definitely not just about voltage controlled resistors.
Schottky diodes have followed the pace of technology and entered people's lives and work. Industry insiders know that Schottky diodes have many problems in use
Schottky diodes and fast recovery diodes are both fast diodes. In general, how do these two types of diodes work?
Schottky diodes and fast recovery diodes are both fast diodes. In general, how do these two types of diodes work?
What role does rectifier diode play in the automotive field, and what are the main applications of rectifier diode in the automotive field?